6 Great Places to Meet Women

6 Great Places to Meet Women

Where to meet women – you might ask. Are you stuck in a dating hole where you can’t seem to find women to date? Women are everywhere and you just need to know where to look for them.

But if you feel like you have scoured all the places to find them and yet still can’t land even a meet-up for a cup of coffee, then you need to re-evaluate your strategy to make sure you are looking at the right places.

If you want to find real relationships and build the foundation for a long-term commitment, you have to get out of whatever bubble you are in and go out there and meet people in the real or virtual (yes, online) world. 

One of the important rules of the dating game is that you have to put yourself out there. You have to be in the dating arena to be seen, literally!

Below are six best places where to meet women to jump start your quest for that elusive partner. 

1. Online Dating Sites

 If you are single and looking but don’t have an online dating profile, you are missing on a lot of potential prospects! 

There are several dating sites you can choose from. There is match.com, eharmony.com and the likes.  Just avoid the dating sites that are focused on very “casual” encounters, if you know what I mean.

Online dating sites used to have an unfavorable connotation early on but this is not the case anymore. The online dating world has evolved and matured which pushed online dating into the mainstream consciousness. 

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Online dating is no longer tantamount to a desperate move for meeting women. In fact, it has become one of the most popular, convenient and effective ways to meet single ladies nowadays. 

Don’t waste precious minutes. Make sure you set up your dating profile as soon as you can!    

Remember: Online dating sites are one of the best places where to meet women.

2. Everyday Common Places

Everyday places are one of the best places where to meet women. Single women are everywhere so they will definitely be present in places that you frequent on a regular basis. 

Some of the good everyday places to meet single ladies are your neighborhood coffee shops, your local gym, laundromat, your neighborhood church (if you go regularly), to name a few. 

Don’t underestimate the power of casual meeting in these places. The types of chance meetings in these locations happen in a relaxed and no-pressure environment where you can just start a casual chat with a lady by commenting on something simple and innocuous as the weather. 

And that cute girl you always see in Starbucks on Sunday mornings? Why haven’t you talked to her and introduced yourself yet?

If you are successful and lucky enough to know her, then that Sunday coffee might progress into Sunday brunches. 

Remember: Laundromat is one of the good places to meet women. Go now! Talk to her and save her from boredom!

3. Places In or Near Your Workplace

Some people stick to the mantra of not dating in the workplace. Surely they have a valid reason for that but workplace dating is not necessarily a bad thing. 

If you think about it, dating someone in or near your workplace has several unique advantages that you won’t find anywhere else. 

For one, you get to see her more often. Another benefit is you don’t have to drive far to pick her up on dates. 

Of course, this can also be counterproductive should you break up but why would you think that far ahead anyway?

The goal is to find someone to be with and be with her long-term so avoid any negative thoughts at this point in your dating life. Don’t put the cart before the horse, as the saying goes.

If you really have a strict rule of not dating someone in your own company, then fine. If you don’t want to date Hannah from accounting even though she is a great catch, it doesn’t mean you can’t date that cute marketing girl from the 39th floor you keep bumping into at the building cafeteria.  

Remember: Your workplace is one of the great places where to meet women that comes with its own benefits. Have an open mind and see where it leads to.

4. Your Neighbors

Yes, neighbors. In this day and age of social media, online dating and eagerness for privacy, the good old-fashioned getting-to-know-your-neighbors gesture has taken a back seat. 

That’s why you missed that cute single lady who just moved in two blocks from you last year! And now she’s dating that guy that you believe is less deserving than you. Gosh! What a missed opportunity!

Don’t make that same mistake again. Ask yourself this – how well do you know your neighbors? If your answer is not convincing enough, it’s time to get out of your block and start doing that afternoon walk in the village and check out the sights. 

If someone interesting catches your eye, make sure you say hello and attempt to strike up a conversation and introduce yourself. 

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If you live in a condo or a building complex, try to be more aware of new faces when you ride the elevator or when you use the laundry area. If you have a dog, maybe you can walk your dog the same time that other people walk theirs. 

Don’t limit your friendliness to just the single women in your neighborhood. The guy or the older lady that you just met might have a cute cousin in the area so make sure to focus on expanding your network, whenever there is a chance. 

Neighborly romance can be fun and exciting. What woman wouldn’t want to be rescued by a dashing single guy if her water faucet broke. Or better yet, wouldn’t you want to be rescued by the single lady upstairs when you run out of cooking oil? 

Be yourself and be authentic and it will go a long way. 

Remember: Don’t forget your neighbors! One of them could be your soulmate just waiting to be found!

5. Your Local Favorite Store

Your favorite local store is a good place where to meet women who are single and looking. This comes with a caveat – make sure you just go to YOUR favorite store and not her favorite store (i.e. Victoria Secret or Sephora). 

Some articles from some men’s magazines will tell you to go to stores where women frequently shop but that defeats the purpose, isn’t it? 

Granted, a ton of women will be there but if you are the one of only three men in that shop and you’re trying to chat up the ladies, it may seem awkward, or even creepy. Women generally don’t want being hit on by strangers (particularly of the male species!) when they are shopping for perfume, lingerie or any personal female apparel. 

However, the story is in your favor when you chat up women that go to your favorite stores like a local Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s, Best Buy or Bed Bath and Beyond. 

You will have a more common connection with her at the get go. If she is a newcomer to that store, you will be the expert if ever she needs some recommendations. Or better yet, you can be proactive and recommend items for her to try. 

See the stark contrast from the Victoria Secret scenario above?

But before starting up conversations with women, make sure to check if she is wearing an engagement ring or a wedding ring so you are sure that she’s potentially available. 

If you think that the coast is clear, there’s no reason not to strike up a casual conversation while you are both waiting for the cashier to ring up your purchases.  

If things pan out between the two of you, imagine what a great story it will be when the “How did you two meet?” question comes up in future gatherings. 

Remember: One of the best places to where to meet women is your local stores. Go pick your fruit!

6. Bookstores

In spite of the advent of kindle and other online book readers, women book lovers still flock to bookstores. There is just something in the ambiance of bookstores that can’t be replaced by the advancement in technology. That is why bookstores, as long as they exist, will remain to be one of the best places where to meet women.

Have you been into any branch of Barnes and Noble lately? You will see a bunch of ladies just sitting down in some nooks reading quietly. This speaks of the appeal of the bookstore setting to this certain group of book lovers. 

Suffice it to say that it will help your cause if you are into books yourself because your behavior will be more natural and fluid and you will be in your elements in some way. 

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If you are not into books, then maybe you can start small and slowly and familiarize yourself with the layout of the store and check one or two topics that interest you most, and start from there. 

Use your common sense and better judgment when approaching girls in bookstores. You don’t want to approach someone in the mother or pregnancy section or any section that is off-tangent from your personality or interests.

The best and most practical strategy is to start in the section that you are really interested in so you can carry a more natural and smart-sounding conversation with your potential lady.

Remember: Bookstores aren’t just treasure troves of knowledge. It’s also one of the best places to meet women.

In Conclusion

The entire world is your oyster when it comes to meeting single women. And because the world is so big, diverse and varied, there are a lot more places where you can meet single ladies. 

However, the aforementioned six best places where to meet women are good points from where to start your journey of finding companionship, love or whatever you are looking for in a relationship. 

You will see and meet single women in these places but for this strategy to work, you need to take action and put yourself out there for them.

Keep in mind that generally, majority of single women doesn’t mind when random people make random conversations with them on topics that they are already knowledgeable in or comfortable with. 

Even if things don’t pan out of the conversations, you will have scored a good point by making her feel good or flattering her by your attention alone. And that my friend is a skill and an art in and of itself. 

Remember to smile, look them sincerely in the eyes (but don’t stare), start up a casual talk, introduce yourself, shake hands firmly and take it from there. And hopefully it will lead to the love you deserve!

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