7 Signs A Girl Likes You

7 Signs A Girl Likes You

Wouldn’t it be nice if you can just read her mind and know from the get go where you stand with her by knowing the signs a girl likes you? 

How many times have you been with her on a date but you can’t still figure her out and wish you can discern more clues from her behaviors and actions?

Surely knowing more about her and what she is thinking or where you stand would be ideal but in actuality, you don’t need all of that – the only thing you’d like to know now is to find out if “she likes you”, right?

It’s a common dilemma among men to feel lost when dating a woman, especially one that is very likable. 

Just because she won’t say a thing about how she thinks of you or how she feels about you now doesn’t mean you won’t be able to know your standing with here. 

There are several non-verbal cues she could be throwing at you right now that are indicative of a green light that says “Yes, I like you”. And knowing how to pinpoint these signals is important for your sanity.

Below are the top seven nonverbal signs that she likes you. Just make sure your eyes are open to watch out for them.

Remember: A woman usually unconsciously makes these cues when she is trying to signal in her own way the signs a girl likes you, and probably likes you a lot more than she’s letting on. Take note of these so you can be more observant in your next date.


They say that our eyes are the gateway to our souls.

It is then natural to use the woman’s eyes and how she looks at you to determine how she feels about you. 

When you are talking to her and she holds your gaze longer than normal, this is an indication that she’s into you. If her gaze penetrates your eyes or her eyeballs jump from your left eye to your right eye and vice versa, that is a more promising indication that she likes you. 

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When she looks into your eyes with meaningful undertones, she is trying to look deeper into your soul and probably also searching for something that she is looking for in a man – warmth, confidence, sincerity, longing. 

According to a study out of Dartmouth University, the way a woman looks at a man is also her own way of searching her own soul to find out if she really likes you. 

The fact that she’s thinking about that is a sign of good things to come. 

On the other hand, if your date’s eyes are wandering, she might be signaling that she’s not into you or that she’s not into the conversation or she’s just plain bored with you. 

If this happens, try to change the topic of conversation or humor her to break the monotony of the situation. 

If it still doesn’t alleviate the situation, ask her what she wants to do other than what you are doing now. This way, she will have the semblance of control and might change the course of the night for something better. 

If the situation doesn’t improve, suggest ending the date and live to fight for another day.


The pupil of the eye is the black dot in the center of the eye.

One of the signs a girl likes you is when her eyes become dilated. 

When the pupil becomes big and round that it covers up most of the eye than the iris itself, that is when the pupil is dilated. 

A number of studies on nonverbal communications have concluded that the number one sign of attraction between a man and a woman is dilated pupils. 

This phenomenon is something we cannot control and it happens naturally. When this occurs, you can bet that the body doesn’t lie. If her pupils are dilated, you can rest assured that she is into you.

Now you may ask – how can you see if the pupil is dilated? It’s a fair question and the only practical answer will mostly hinge on number one above – make eye contact with her!

She has to look you in the eye and hold your gaze so you can look into her eyes long enough to see if her pupils are dilated. 

The best way to do it is for you to initiate eye contact at all times (without staring) so she’s likely to look you back in the eyes as well. 

It’s a natural reaction and if she was raised properly by her parents, she will look into your eyes when talking to you our when you’re talking to her.


What…eyebrow what?

Yes, this happens folks and trust me, you don’t want to ignore this cue.

Eyebrow lift is one of those things that literally only lasts a microsecond so this is a bit challenging to catch.

You will only see and catch this nonverbal cue if you are really paying attention. But the fact that you are into her makes this easier as you should already be paying attention to her every move at this point.

Generally, when a woman is interested in or attracted to someone, her eyebrows will exhibit this expression that involves a little eyebrow flash and a slight wrinkling of the eyebrow. 

This microsecond phenomenon is easy to miss when you are not paying attention. Make sure to be attentive as this is one of the good signs a girl likes you. 


Yeah, but not that thing you’re thinking.

This has nothing to do with her attire – whether she is wearing a min skirt or pants is not the point. 

This has to do with how she positions her legs when she is talking to you. Women subconsciously position their legs based on how they’re feeling towards a man in two common ways. 

Where a woman positions her legs might reveal whether she’s into you or not: 

1. If her legs are pointing toward the door while talking to you, she is subconsciously preparing her exit.

2. If her legs are pointing toward you, she intends to stay and one of the good signs a girl likes you.

According to renowned body language expert Dr. Lilian Glass, who also authored the book Toxic People, the direction of the woman’s legs will tell you everything about where you stand with her.

a. Subtle invitation. This is indicated by her legs being open. 

b. Demure but available. This is indicated by her legs crossed at the ankles. 

c. Tough times coming. This is indicated by her legs being crossed at the knees. This doesn’t mean that you are doomed though. She still would like you to see her as ladylike and feminine.

d. Take your time. This is indicated by her legs being crossed but pointing at your direction. This means that she will warm up eventually so be patient and hang on there. 


Women are usually aloof when it comes to physical contact in any form in the early stages of dating.

Unless you had great chemistry and sparks were all over the place in your initial meeting, she will not be touchy touchy during your first dates as she will want to have a safe distance from you. 

So how to tell if she likes you then?

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Rejoice if and when you find yourself being a recipient of her malice-free touches: she touches your shoulder to clean some lint off you, or she touches your hair to remove that feather, or she wipes that very tiny little smudge on your shirt. 

A bigger gesture will be if she adjusts your tie or collar.

And of course, those lint or feathers or smudge probably weren’t there. She just probably wanted to touch you in some ways. 

Surely you wouldn’t mind at the least so savor your small wins for these are starts of promising things to come and definitely a good sign that she is into you. 


This might sound malicious but don’t go there as this is not about that, you dirty dog!

This just means that she is doing some gestures on her own that indicate the common flirting moves of a woman. This happens when she doesn’t get a response from you after she gave you that gentle touch. 

She just might try to touch her arms or twirl her hair to meet the same goal. This is what they call subconscious preening which is sending a signal to you that she likes you. 

Just make sure to pay attention to where she touches herself as that will also determine what kind of subtle message she is sending.

She is likely sending you a subtle signal that she wants you to touch her arm or hair as well. When she touches her hair, her lips or her neck, she is drawing your attention to those areas. 

This doesn’t mean that you have to touch her there right that moment but keep these pictures in your mind for now as this will come in handy as you progress in your relationship.

These actions and gestures may happen in microseconds or in more obvious fashion but regardless, these definitely are some of the good telltale signs a girl likes you. 


This gesture has something to do more about the “lean” than the whisper itself.

Whispering in your ear is a pretty intimate gesture as this entails a closer face-to-face interaction. 

Her action is an indication that she wants to be closer to you physically. Instead of hugging you or pulling you close to her, which is pretty much throwing in the towel, she will revert to whispering at this point if she wants to keep it slow but wants to throw you a bone to keep you interested. 

This is one of the very good signs a girl likes you. 

Her reason for whispering could be that she wants to tell you a secret or she wants to tell you something that she doesn’t want people to hear, like commenting on how cute and lovely the couple next to your table are. 

In reality, there is a good chance that she doesn’t really care about what you think of that couple. She cares more about what you think about her, talking closer to you and whispering in your ear. 

When this happens, make sure that you reciprocate in a way by also whispering back to her ear. 

You are mirroring her action so this will also signal to her that you are acknowledging her gesture and that you are in the same page as hers.


Decoding the signs a girl likes you can come in many different clues.

However, the aforementioned seven signs above is a pretty good list that is encompassing the most common and proven ones. 

These clues can let you gauge her interest level but don’t be boxed by their meaning as discussed in this article as she can be giving you more than what you might be reading. 

In the end, use your better judgement and common sense. 

Say, if her legs are crossed and pointing towards the door but she whispers in your ear and touches you in the cheek, you wouldn’t think that she’s vying for the exit, would you?

Relationships and dating is a complex matter and one that entails a mixture of common sense and deeper attention. And one of the best ways you can be on top of things is to always pay attention to her. 

Avoid being the guy who talks so much about himself. Instead, be the one who gives the woman the doting respect and attention she deserves. 

That my friend will go a long way and put you in her good graces no matter how many or few signals she sends or you get.

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